Saturday, February 26, 2011


Me Vanna'ing in our garage.

There will be many pictures in this post. Just a heads' up!

As previously mentioned, the awesome annual freezer coupon event at Jewel is happening tomorrow. I've been waiting for this ever since I started couponing some months back and was really excited that they decided to do it again. (The link above explains the deal itself if you missed it earlier.)

When I was calling my local Jewel-Osco's to find out what time they'll be selling the freezers tomorrow (and already dreading getting up at the crack of dawn to get one; I am NOT a morning person), I discovered that the Jewel in South Holland IL is already selling their freezers AT the sale price AND giving out the coupon books today! (I have heard that some of the Jewels will sell the freezers early but won't give the sale price and/or won't give the coupon books out until tomorrow.) It sounded too good to be true but I headed out anyway, figuring at the very least I could take a look at the freezers and make sure they'd fit in our car if the information proved false.

SCORE! They are indeed selling the freezers today; we just went to customer service and they called two people to come up and get the freezer and load it into our car. They have the coupon books locked up at the customer service center so we just paid there and picked up our booklet (pictures below so you can see what was included).

We paid $164.39 in total. It rang up at $159.99 for the freezer, .01 for the coupon booklet, $14.40 in tax. I had a "$10 off your next order" manufacturer's coupon from an earlier Jewel / ConAgra deal that I was able to use on the freezer.
The freezer in box fit just fine in our station wagon, and it is now happily resting in our garage. I AM SO EXCITED!

... now I just need to figure out where it is going to live. LOL.

Here are my crappy camera-phone pics of what was included in the coupon booklet. I took them in the car while my husband ran into Target for a couple things, lol. If you are interested in a list of what is included in the coupon books, a couponer / Jewel employee has posted it here. Note from the pictures that some of the coupons are STORE coupons (meaning you can ONLY use them at Jewel), but many are MANUFACTURERS' coupons (meaning you can use them at any store that will accept manufacturers' coupons; they say 'redeem at Jewel-Osco' but that's not the ONLY place you can redeem them!).

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